Quick(er) Calculations

How to add, subtract, multiply, divide, square, and square root more swiftly

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  • Quick(er) Calculations voorkant
  • Quick(er) Calculations achterkant

How fast can you calculate? Would you like to be faster? This book presents the time honored tricks and tips of calculation, from a fresh perspective, to boost the speed at which you can add -- whether a couple of numbers, or columns so long an accountant may faint. Find out how to subtract, multiply, divide, and find square roots more quickly.

ISBN/EAN 9780198852650
Auteur Lipscombe, Trevor Davis (Director, Director, Catholic University of America Press)
Uitgever Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Taal Engels
Uitvoering Gebonden in harde band
Pagina's 192

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